Baleen whales have baleen instead of teeth and include humpback whales, right whales, gray whales, rorquals, and others. Baleen is made out of keratin (just like your fingernails) and makes up skinny, hard plates that hang down from the whale's top jaw. There are small spaces between the...
Whales breathe air through their blowholes, which are located at the top of their heads. There are two groups of whales: the toothed whales and the baleen whales. Toothed whales eat using teeth, while the baleen whales have baleen plates instead of teeth....
Male beaked whales have one to two large functional teeth on the lower jaw (probably for use in social encounters), while the teeth of females do not protrude from the gums at all. In contrast to the rest of this family, Shepherd’s beaked whale has 17-29 conical teeth on both jaws (...
) are much larger. Blue whales can grow up to 30 metres and weigh as much as 100 tonnes (there have even been accounts of blue whales in excess of 125 tonnes). This is equivalent to 33 of the largest land animal—the African elephant. The blue whale is the largest (heaviest) creature...
What Eats Birds And What Do Birds Eat? September 1, 2024 559 What Eats A Penguin? What Eats A Penguin? What Do Penguins Eat? In Antarctica, where most penguins live, the penguin’s main predator is a ferocious marine mammal with large teeth called the leopard seal. Penguins must swim...
gentle. They move relatively slowly and feed on tinyplanktonby sucking in water and filtering it through their gills and pharynx. These giants have over 20,000 teeth, but the teeth are tiny and thought not to even be used for feeding (you can see a photo of a whale shark's teeth here...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
pdf'>toothed whales. The baleen whales differ vastly from the toothed whales in their feeding habits and their basic anatomy. In most cases, baleen whales grow much larger than toothed whales. They also lack teeth, growing sheets of baleen instead, a hair-like substance composed of ...
Plants and some animals have a better fossil record than dinosaurs. They also give clues about climate that dinosaur fossils do not. Some marine protozoans (single-celled organisms), called foraminifera, have shells that tell the temperature of the water where the animal lived. By studying the ...
What is the classification of a shark? What is the most dangerous shark? What whales have baleen? What is a bull shark? What eats whale sharks? What kingdom is the great white shark in? What sharks do killer whales eat? How many teeth does a whale shark have? What ocean zone do wha...