What kind of animal is a badger? What do badgers look like? What do they eat? Where do they live? This lesson will answer all these questions and give you some fun facts about badgers. Related to this QuestionWhat is a group of weasels called? What is a group of porcupines called? W...
It's easy to fall into the trap of using weasel words. I used to write short informative articles for an online company (not WiseGEEK), and the editor would insist I qualify a lot of things. I was supposed to leave a little wiggle room when it came to facts. There was always a cha...
First, Brandon Kilbourne at the Naturkunde Museum in Berlin kindly invited me to assist in a paper from his German fellowship studying mustelid mammals (otters, weasels, wolverines, badgers, etc.; stinky smaller carnivorous mammals). Here we (very much driven by Brandon; I was along for the ...
–Non-fiction, I really enjoyedRule the Web. I’ll talk about this book more when I do my Christmas gift suggestions, but the short summary is that anyone that touches a computer can find some fun things in this book. –Also for non-fiction,Founders at Workis interesting. If you have ...