But unlike other gems, where a low quality stone may still last generation to generation, this is not the case with poorqualitypearlsif by 'poorqual- ity" we mean thin-nacre In my opinion, none of.the.'quality' factors reports on pearls, most labs indi- cate only whether or not the ...
Some of these elements for performing strategic analysis can be acquired externally (for example, by using consultants), but others must be available internally, at least in the short-run, to be effective [7]. Given the substantial costs of analysis, many public organizations do not perform ...
We assessed land cover types, including forest vegetation, non-forest vegetation, and unvegetated conditions with spatial data from the Gap Analysis Program (GAP; available online: https://gapanalysis.usgs.gov/). We used a map of terrestrial eFocroesltosg2i0c1a8,l9s,yxsFtOemR PsE, EwRhR...
If we regard the NREAP goals as representative of the electricity generation potential in each Member State, we can define the effectiveness of a Member State policy as the ratio of the change of the potential during a given period of time to the additional realizable potential until 2020 [7...
2018, 6, 63 2 of 16 However, the evolution of climate prediction systems has not kept pace with forecasting requirements in terms of accuracy and reliability [7–9]. We are at a critical stage in observing and predicting the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This presents an ...
Therefore, we can see China has formulated the dual control targets of energy intensity and total energy consumption [11]. Thus, every province has been allocated its own burden in terms of energy intensity reduction and energy consumption increment (see Table A1). These mandatory targets aim to...
Convergence clubs would mean that relationships, expressed in absolute or conditional β-convergence equations, vary in space, and the true value of relationships is not stable over space and/or that variance–covariance of the error term varies across observations. We do not address the problem ...
avoided any discussions about race and racism; she could have also engaged in denying that race and racism has any visual, or ocular dimeniton or replying that even if race do have a corporeal dimension, it should not matter and that we should just be "colorblind,"or talk about "culture"...
In order to have good motor competence, an individual must be able to master many different kinds of motor skills. How we move and what qualities our movements must have depend on the situation we are in and the movement task to be solved. Sometimes we perform precise, repetitive, and ...