As previously mentioned, most frogs eat a carnivorous diet that consists primarily of insects and small animals. That said, some also go through a tadpole stage where they eat a mostly herbivorous diet. Suffice to say, frogs eat foods that they can find and catch in abundance in their local...
47K Sea turtles are marine animals and live in the ocean. Explore the life of a sea turtle from the time it hatches to maturity, learn about its habitat and the threats of pollution and other human-made threats that impact the future survival of this species. Related...
What do poison dart frogs eat? What ocean gyre does the Atlantic bluefin tuna live in? What fish are native to Colorado? What eats poison dart frogs? What is the most dangerous ant in the world? What is the biggest species of squid?
The adult alligators spend most of its time hunting on land up to 50 meters (170 feet) from water. They tend to drag its prey to the water and rolling the prey to drown it. The American alligator’s teeth are strong enough to bite even the turtle’s shell or a moderately-sized mamma...
Turtle Image courtesy of Lizards Eat Frogs | What Eats Frogs Lizards are perhaps the least important reptilian predators of frogs. While many lizards are primarily insectivorous, others are generally herbivorous. Besides, lizards are diurnal and are often found in dry habitats, ...
The red-eared slider turtle is generally thought to be the most voracious turtle that feeds on mosquito larvae. Insects that prey on mosquitoes include: Dragonflies Dragonfliesare often referred to as “mosquito hawks.” Though they do eat mosquitoes, they do not eat enough mosquitoes to do much...
The alligator is a kind of freshwater reptile that is only found in two places on Earth. In this lesson, you'll learn about alligators, including where they where they live and what they like to eat. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
A lazysnail hitches a ride on this red-eared slider turtlein Padang, Indonesia. Red-eared sliders eat aquatic snails, but this turtle didn't seem to mind the company,. Epic wildebeest migration to Maasai Mara Juergen Ritterbach // Barcroft Media via Getty Images ...
They do not consume much food. An Axolotl adult would eat two earthworms about every two to three days. Let them choose and let them skip meals if not hungry. A growing Axolotl will eat more in order to maintain energy and rapid growth. Once they reach adulthood, you can form a routine...
I kept lizards and frogs and snakes in the tub. 在浴缸里养蜥蜴、青蛙和蛇。 I watched television as late as I wanted 我看电视想看到几点就看到几点, and never even had to go to bed. 甚至从不睡觉。 I got sleepy anyway and went upstairs...