During the Advent season, Christians focus on preparing their hearts and minds for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is commemorated on Christmas Day. This preparation involves spiritual reflection, prayer, and the lighting ofAdvent candleson anAdvent wreath, with each candle symbo...
Scriptures from the Old TestamentBook of Isaiah and the Gospels of Matthew and Johnreveal the significance of each of these four pillars and some Christian denominations celebrate by holding special readings of these scriptures and by lighting candles to represent the four pillars. ...
What better time to light Advent wreath candles?Lyn Jerde
Blue Apron was the first company we tried and we fell in love immediately. We were sent fresh produce and organic meats and seafood that we would normally not be able to find, locally. The portions were perfect for the four of us, leaving no waste (and no leftovers for my husband's l...
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An Advent wreath is a decoration that is used to celebrate the Christian season of Advent. The most common forms of an Advent...