1. What kind of animal is the biggest in the world? A. The elephant. B. The whale. C. The dolphin. D. The bear. 2. What do the baby whales eat? E. They eat small fish. F. They eat some milk from their mother's body. G. They eat some plants in the water. . They eat ...
What are the hierarchical levels of the food chain through which energy flows? A) What does the blue whale eat? B) What is its role in the ecosystem? What is the primary role of algae in the ecosystem? Human feed at what level of a marine food web?
2.T [解析]通过文中“The biggest animal in the world lives in the sea. It is the blue whale. " 知,蓝鲸生活在海里。 所以答案是T。 3.T [解析]通过文中"It can be more than 30 metres long."可知,蓝鲸长达30多米。 所以答 案是T。 4.F [解析]通过文中"The blue whale doesn't eat ...
Blue whales live in what ocean? What is the largest animal in Antarctica? What is the biggest animal in Antarctica? What do humpback whales eat? What is the largest great white shark on record? How many whale sharks are in the world?
B:They mainly eat krill(磷虾). A blue whale eats 2 5 tons of food every day. A:Thank you for telling me so much about them. B:You're welcome. A.No, I don't. B. Can I ask you some questions about animals? C. Where can we find them? D. Yes, I do. E. An adult blue ...
interesting fact about these giant animals.They aren't just the largest species(物种)right now.They are the largest animals that have ever existed(存在)on the earth.Blue whales are about 38 meters long,and they weigh around 170 tons.Blue whales eat about 3,600 kilograms of food every day....
Learn about the eating habits of whales and what different types of whales eat. Discover the characteristics of toothed whales vs. baleen whales,...
①Blue WhaleBoys and girls, do you know what the largest animal in the world is? You must think it is the elephant. In fact, the world's largest animal lives in the sea. It is the blue whale. It can be over 30 meters long....
Whatdowhaleseats?Somewhaleshaveteethandeatlargeanimals.Somewhaleshavenoteethandeatonlysmallfishandplantsinwater.bone[bəun]whale’sbones Wecanseethewhale’sbonesatthepark.animalhowlong howheavy Abluewhale Itcanbemorethan___30__metreslong.Itweighsover_15_0___tons.whatfoodtoeat haveteeth havenote...
When it comes to predator/prey relationships, the killer whale is an apex predator and isn't known to have natural predators. That isexcept humans, parasites, and diseases, which can significantly affect a killer whale's health. What do killer whales not eat?