Yang looked in the bag.It was full of gold. "Do I look like a person who accepts bribes (贿赂) from others?I thought you knew me well!" Yang said angrily. "It's late at night.No one will know if we keep it secret," said Wang. "What do you mean no one ...
$toptenpage=Invoke-WebRequest-Uri https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten-UseBasicParsing$urls=($toptenpage.Links|Where-Object{$_.href-Match'topten'-and$_.href-notmatch'History'-and$_.href-notmatch'faq'}).href|Sort-Object|Select-Object-Unique-Skip 2foreach($urlin$urls){Invoke...
It has to mean something that Cease got a sword every 3.2 innings, while “less nasty” pitchers at the other end of the list got one every 20 innings (Miles Mikolas, Zack Greinke) or even once every 37 innings (Martín Pérez). There’s not one way to succeed, of course; very few...
What can landscape architects do to increase the use of open spaces? These questions still need to be addressed. Existing studies have mostly focused on developed cities in Western countries. The rapid urbanization of China in the past 30 years has led to the construction of many public open ...
Upon feeling any discomfort, this woman could have left the room, avoided any discussions about race and racism; she could have also engaged in denying that race and racism has any visual, or ocular dimeniton or replying that even if race do have a corporeal dimension, it should not matter...