LEGO® Fortnite® is the home of several awesome game modes within the Fortnite game. Discover the ever-expanding range of video games here
LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey is a game set in a vast open world that inspires players’ endless creativity within a familiar, safe and secure environment. Read more.
Faça login(Abre em uma nova aba)para obter ajuda, acessar ferramentas de autoatendimento e gerenciar suas solicitações de suporte mais rápido. What are LEGO Kits? LEGO Kits are a collection of Builds, Building Parts, or Decor items that are available for players from the Fortnite Shop...
The system requirements on PC for LEGO Fortnite are the same as Fortnite itself. You can locate the specifications for this at the bottom of the Fortnite product page here:يفتح في علامة تبو...
environment that you can build inside of, even if a potential map isn’t as diverse or varied as the whole fortnite island. in response to the question, “what do you do in lego fortnite?”, the site says: “be prepared for something a little different than what you’re used to.....
subscribed to his YouTube channel. Collaborating with Fortnite has always been a great way for both partners to benefit from the cross-promotion. Looking at MrBeast making his way to LEGO Fortnite, one player shared how they have been waiting to play as MrBeast in the n...
What isn’t clear just yet is whether the LEGOFortniteevent will be playable cross-platform. The FAQ has kept this information a secret, telling us they’ll reveal whether the LEGO event is cross-platform compatible when it launches on Dec. 7. ...
If you’re wonderingwhat the point ofLego Fortniteis, you’re not alone. The new game mode is undisputedly popular, but as Fortnite moves further from its roots, longtime fans are wondering exactly what you do in it. We’ll take a look at whether Lego Fortnite is a sandb...
It's been driving you all crazy! You've been texting, calling and even stopping us in the street to take a guess.And no, Googling it will get you nowhere. It...
LEGO® Fortnite® is the home of several awesome game modes within the Fortnite game. Discover the ever-expanding range of video games here