Some have opposed Roe on the grounds that Congress, not the courts, should have enshrined any national right to abortion. Well, that’s the approach just taken by the Democrat-controlled House concerning contraceptives. It passed a law guaranteeing a right to birth control. Since Republicans are...
Matthews: "How about you?" Trump: "I would say that it’s a very serious problem. And it’s a problem that we have to decide on. It’s very hard." ... Matthews: "Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no as a principle?" ...
WTH Do Republicans Really Think About Foreign Policy? Roger Zakheim Explains August 02, 2023 With the incessant politicization of real foreign policy issues, sometimes it is helpful to go back to the numbers. And in this case, the numbers are detached from the reality that anti-Ukraine Re...
sarah:There are two more Senate races we should talk about: Arizona and New Hampshire. They’re also pick-up opportunities for the GOP, although perhaps a little bit more of a stretch for Republicans, at least according to the forecast. Republicans have abouta 1-in-4 shot of winning Arizo...
"Slate Plus Podcasts" What Next: Abortion Is on the Ballot. Republicans Have a Plan. (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
On your identity politics question, nobody likes a nag, so if Republicans can persuade voters that the main thing they should know about Democrats is that they are always wagging their finger at America, then Democrats may well lose. Economically, I think the twin challenge for Biden, like ...
Pro-life voters should also understand that there will be no national abortion ban if Trump is elected.Trump does not want a national abortion ban, and even if he did, Republicans couldn’t pass one. To save time in explaining why, just reread the last two paragraphs and substitute “Trump...
In states where the government is controlled by Republicans, a nearly identical number of Harris and Trump supporters are very or somewhat confident that officials in their state will do a good job during the election: 84 percent to 87 percent. ...
Republicans tout high inflation, low (though improving) approval numbers for President Joe Biden and the historical reality that the President’s party nearly always loses seats in his first midterm election. Democrats are counting on the Supreme Court’s landmark decision to overturn abortion rights...
“Kim knows he’s onlyrelevantwhen giving MAGA Republicans cover to politicize Covid policy — which was investigated three separate times by DOJ, as well as his own chamber and there was never any there, there,” Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi said. “As he barely wins his own races, ...