Flax plants are ready for harvesting after about 100 days of growth. Since flax plants do not tolerate heat, they must be planted in the cooler part of the year to avoid crop death. 2. Growth These days, flax seeds are usually sown with machines. Since flax plants don’t effectively pre...
1) What do the terms 'downfield' and 'upfield' mean when looking at an NMR spectrum? Include a sketch in your answer. 2) ^1 H NMR is a great technique to assess identity and purity. Analyze the ^1 H N Explain three properties you can use to distinguish ...
To create quality fabric, the cellulose used should be at least 90 percent pure. 2. Alkali cellulose conversion: This cellulose is then dissolved in caustic soda, which produces a chemical reaction that converts cellulose to alkali cellulose. This process removes impurities from the cellulose and...
And yet, we do know it is possible to transcend the stubborn dichotic perception and realise nondual awareness. In fact, it’s more common and well-studied than you might expect. Many similar if not synonymous experiences have also been explored—in the research literature, you might see it ...
many substances, such as wood, burn in air and burn even more vigourously in pure oxygen). Mixtures do not have fixed precise melting and boiling points (which elements and compounds do have), but instead mixtures melt / freeze and boil / condense over a range of temperatures according to...
The main topics in chemistry include atoms (the individual building blocks that make up matter), compounds (combinations of atoms that form more complex materials), and mixtures (combinations of compounds that form mixtures like air). What are examples of chemistry? Some chemistry examples in every...
Chemical elementsare the simplest of substances. What are the qualities of a woman of substance? Other character qualities a woman of substance should have include peacefulness, love, patience and steadfastness---to name a few. She possesses virtues that make others around her notice that she is...
What is a pure substance? What is the source of ethylene gas in a plant? What are Asteraceae plants? What is the pistil of a flower? What would stop a plant from being able to grow? What does the pericarp grow from? What is the vegetative shoot of a plant?
The symptoms of an ecstasy overdose include: An abnormal heartbeat or heart rhythm Rising body temperature Confusion or trouble communicating Feeling anxious or quite restless Seizures What to do if you or someone you’re with overdoses on ecstasy First, call 911. This is a medical emergency. ...
Other names for lectins include agglutinins and hemagglutinins. When it comes to animal lectins, they’re almost always referred to as either agglutinins, glycans, glycan-binding proteins, or glycoproteins. That’s why if you do a search, almost all of what you will see is related to plant ...