I feel like an outsider in my own country. I want to do something about it but up to now I wasn`t sure what. Reading this blog has given me confidence to do try to do something. Where ever Muslims are, trouble will follow. Muslims want to rule themselves and cannot integrate or tol...
I can say with a level of confidence that Islam is not a religion of war, only because the majority of Muslims don't subscribe to that perspective, not because there's something inherent in the text that tells me it's a religion of peace. — Maajid Nawaz 63 Islam, the third in his...
Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will...
or Communion, or the Eucharist among other names. Jesus’ disciples still commemorate His death this way. Now, Catholic Christians believe that during the Eucharist, the wafer and wine that Christ speaks of here materially and
What is the significance of the New Testament? It chronicles the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. 9 Are there different interpretations of the Quran? Yes, interpretations can vary but the Arabic text remains the same. 5 How do Muslims view the Quran compared to how Christians view the Bib...
A Muslim may say: Christians believe Jesus is human and divine, and this is not possible. Interestingly enough the Quran is believed by Muslims to […] Son of God September 17, 2013 5 A Muslim may ask: How can Christians call Jesus the “Son of God”? This is blasphemy. God has...
And one of the things that really bothered me with the red pill is the hedonistic aspects to it. I had a young man come up to me in church several months ago and he asked me, Hey, Marlon, what do you think about Andrew Tate when you have a young man? And this young man was no...
I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene….No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. —Albert Einstein 102 Narcissus does not fall in love with his reflection because it is beautiful, but because it is his. If it were his...
Tawil's family in the West Bank is Muslim and usually volunteers with the Christmas festivities in the Holy Land, as do Palestinians of different religions. There's camaraderie among the Palestinian Muslims and Christians in Bethlehem, she said — during Ramadan, Christians will wake up their Mus...
When I traveled to Jerusalem, I visited the Western Wall, a holy site for Jews, as well as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where it is believed Jesus was crucified and buried. I also spent time at the Dome of the Rock, which is an important site for both Muslims and Jews. ...