I feel like an outsider in my own country. I want to do something about it but up to now I wasn`t sure what. Reading this blog has given me confidence to do try to do something. Where ever Muslims are, trouble will follow. Muslims want to rule themselves and cannot integrate or tol...
(Do You Have Eternal Life?) Bijbelstudies (Bible Studies) Yarah Bijbel College (Gratis Online Studeren) (Scofield Bible College) Hoe kunnen we in Christus Groeien (How to Grow in Christ) Het Bestaan van God (The Existence of God) Wie is Jezus Christus? (Who is Jesus ...
Muslims honour Jesus asa great prophet. They strive to live in submission to the will of God, pray to be guided to the right path, and hope to be accepted on the Day of Judgement. They can feel at liberty to take the instructions of Jesus seriously, and under obligation to do so. Je...
For instance, in Islam, there’s the hajj, which requires all able-bodied Muslims financially able to do so to journey to the holy city of Mecca at least once in their lifetime. In other religious traditions, such as Christianity, people might choose to make pilgrimages to sacred sites suc...
Jesus was not divine as well as human. Jesus is not the Saviour. These are issues of the Quran out-and-out contradicting the Bible. See Suras 4:157; 5:19, 75; 9:30 3) Muhammad was a sinner! Many Muslims believe that he was sinless however he said himself: ...
Please visit: What parts of the Hadiths and Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?Now having said all of that, let us now get technical here. The answer to the questions above is quite simple and requires no 50-page lengthy article to prove it. ...
Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will...
What does it mean to do as Jesus did when he broke bread with the outcast and forgotten and called them his beloved? What does it mean to not judge but to love? How do we use the teachings of Jesus against those who claim his name but show themselves as...
Muslims have been saved by reading this book. See how Rome guided the development of Islam, only to be double-crossed later. (We should do one of these for America) Read how the Virgin Mary is being used to bring that rebellious daughter, Islam, back into cooperation with "Mother Church...
While most Muslims do not support Hamas' violence, they do share its unwavering devotion to sacred ground, says Mustafa Abu Sway, the Imam Al-Ghazali Chair at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. "Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to all Muslims," he said. "So, you will find reactions from Indonesia to Toro...