Deep penetration is sometimes also called cervical penetration. This is because deep penetration into a vagina can sometimes feel like the cervix is being penetrated. However, cervical penetration is not possible. Outside of childbirth, thecervix remains very small. Some people believe that deep pen...
1. Do I have a place to bring the baby? You need to make sure that you have a stable home to bring the baby home to. When I say stable, I am referring to a place where you can stay for a long period of time, not a place where you have to move each week or every month, ...
book reviews,comics,faith,history,nature,parenting,politics,science Selected Book Reviews, October – December 2016 personal,politics,psychology The Problem with Hillary Clinton and the Yankees faith,personal,politics Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness ...
childbirth, or menstruation requireextensive body cleansing: “On a religious level,hamamsallowed Muslims toperform the full-body ablution (gusül) which is necessary to restore ritual pu-rity(taharet)afterdefilementthroughsexualactivity,menstruation,childbirthor touching a dead body” (Cichocki 99). Bo...
Quality of care provided, and in particular the interpersonal component of quality of care, during pregnancy and childbirth should ensure that women are treated with respect for their ‘dignity’. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) placed dignity at the center of its description of ...
The midwive did not tell her to do anything about the low BP much less to take anything to regulate and normalize it. As for to other prenatal check up necessities, there were none. “The midwife just told me to take the little red iron tablets. It was good that the tablets were ...
British culture consistently associated ghosts and children with the oral tradition in storytelling. These stories were delivered by a greatly misunderstood figure: The Old Wife. The Old Wife was the woman in your community who dished out advice and help to do with childbirth, herbal remedies and...
Postpartum depression (PPD) is defined as the onset of major depressive disorder in mothers, occurring during pregnancy or within 4 weeks post-delivery. With 7% of pregnancy-related death in the United States owing to mental health conditions, including