Mormons believe that all the prophets, beginning with Adam, have understood this plan and taught it to mankind, including that a Savior would be provided. These teachings were once a part of the Old Testament and found in other ancient records. Therefore, the true gospel has been found ...
The nickname “Mormons” stems from our unique book of scripture, The Book of Mormon. Initially, it was a derogatory term used by the critics (haters, killers, mobs) to refer to the members of the Church. Eventually, members of the church seemed to own the name, even took pride in bei...
Hank Stuever
Do your own research on Mormonism, What Mormons really believe Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints doctrine revealed
Question: What do Mormons believe? Answer: We have excellent resources that analyze and explain Mormon beliefs. They include our tracts“Distinctive Beliefs of the Mormon Church,”“The Gods of the Mormon Church,”and“Mormon Stumpers.”
Find out what it's like to pause your life for 18 months and try to convert people to the Mormon Church.
as a matter of fact, am a mormon girl. I DO NOT live in Utah, I do not get "so horny", and I respect myself, Brigham Young, Joseph Smith,and ALL of the rules and regulations of my religion. So maybe you should say "Why to SOME girls get so horny" and leave mormons out of...
Why do Mormons not drink coffee? The Word of Wisdom also states that “hot drinks” are forbidden. At the time of the revelation, the most common hot beverages were tea and coffee. Because of this coffee, teas, alcohol, and tobaccowere all seen as harmful for health and not conducive to...
Which Jesus do Mormons worship?Let's see what Mormon leaders say about that..."It is true that many of the Christian churches worship a different Jesus Christ than is worshipped by the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." LDS Quorum of the Seventy member Bernard ...
What do Mormons believe about Joseph Smith? Who started the Mormon religion? What is the difference between the Mormon and Catholic religions? What does the Book of Mormon teach about the atonement? What is the difference between the Baptist and Mormon religions?