Everything about Mormon beliefs. At the core of a Mormon's beliefs is is faith in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and Joseph Smith's restoration of the gospel.
To members of the Church, physical death on earth is not an end but the beginning of the next step in God’s plan for His children. Mormonism 101:FAQ, Mormon news. Mormons believe that God, our Heavenly Father, has a plan for each of us. He knows us individually and will help ...
Mormons believe that agency is eternal principle. Agency is the right to choose between good and evil and to act for ourselves. We believe that this was very important even before we were born. In the premortal life we had the ability to choose and we chose that we would follow Christ....
Which Jesus do Mormons worship?Let's see what Mormon leaders say about that..."It is true that many of the Christian churches worship a different Jesus Christ than is worshipped by the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." LDS Quorum of the Seventy member Bernard ...
What did Guru Har Krishan do for Sikhism? What is the sacred building of Hinduism? What religion is Krishna? What are the order of all the Buddhist Sutras? What are followers of Sikhism called? What did Joseph Smith believe was the goal for Mormons?
Mormons believe families are eternal, and when someone leaves the Church by personal resignation or through Church discipline, the future of their relationships is called into question, here on earth and otherwise. "The Church has given LGBT youth a very bleak choice," says Mitch Mayne, an open...
“I am not ignorant of the fact that many, in the consciousness of what they deserve, would rather hope than actually believe that there is nothing for them after death. They would prefer to be annihilated rather than be restored for punishment. . . . Nor is there either measure nor end...
Women, children, liberals, conservatives, Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, your Mom, Mormons, the religious right, Midwesterners, most lawyers and their spouses will not like it. Witty, very British--and vile. So it's bound to be one of the most popular and famous Blawg ...
Millions of people around the world believe as he does. Suicidal people – if they want to – should go ahead and kill themselves and not inconvenience the rest of us, or perhaps be fined or jailed if they do not die. Few know, understand, or believe the science that this vote will ...
What did Brigham Young do?Question:What did Brigham Young do?Joseph Smith and the Mormons:Joseph Smith published his Book of Mormon in 1830, signalling the start of his Mormon Church. Deemed a threat by the Protestant majority, Smith was killed by an angry mob in 1844 after founding Nauvoo...