What do the Masonic symbols mean? Sometimes, as the old saying goes, a picture can say a thousand words. Dating back to its roots in Medieval times, Freemasonry makes use of many symbols. These symbols served several purposes: to teach those not adept at reading the written word, to encou...
Inside are vast halls with ancient motifs and Masonic symbols -- the double-headed eagle, the famous square-and-compass with the letter G (for God and Geometry). The number 33 is big: There are 33 columns on the outside, 33 chairs in a ceremonial room. There's also a 33 on the co...
Freemasonry is a philosophical organization emphasizing the study of moral symbols to build character in its participants. This education is, in part, the foundation of a more profound understanding of mankind and his existence in society. Living today in a “throw away society”, Freemasonry teache...
4Symbols ... Symbols also have distinct meanings on coats of arms, per Fleur-de-Lis Designs. Among them laurels symbolize peace or triumph; scythes or sickles symbolize agricultural labor; finger rings symbolize fidelity; axes symbolize execution of military duty; banners symbolize specific action ...
"Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, ...
they show the remarkable parallels between the secret signs, grips, and rituals of Freemasonry and those of the Mormon (LDS) Church. Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, was a Mason, and all Masonic authorities today acknowledge the similarity of the two groups' rituals, symbols, signs, and do...
Now, all this is diabolical in the highest degree, and is not this intuition of the symbols of a lost science something truly marvellous, for it is transcendent magic which, basing the universe on the two pillars of Hermes and Solomon, has divided the me
Do you think the White man, when he went into Africa, was getting some “tribal bunnies” that were jumping in trees, with bones in our noses? Do you think that which he told you about yourself is true? He went and got the Master Architects! To my Masonic family: He got The ...
Masonic Symbols Of Power Massacre Of The Branch Davidians Mena Messages Metaphysical & Science - Crystalinks Midnight Moon Militia Minutemen Press MJ-12 The Secret Government Modern Militiaman Money System Collapsing Morgana's Observatory - Ancient Prophecies & Universal Myths Mount Wea...
Masonic and satanic cultures use these symbols to represent Lucifer. Alongside that fact, my father was a minister and he was away preaching to people and apparently had a good meeting and souls were saved, etc. Many other times when my parents were out on trips such as these, I would ...