Rays defend themselves from predators in many ways. Some use a whip-like tail to lacerate an enemy, some sting enemies with a poisonous stinging tail, electrical rays give electrical shocks (up to 200 volts), and some have hard, bony spines that puncture their victims. Teeth are not used ...
Through time, Fish have adapted to their environment through the evolution of gills, swim bladders and fins. Their gills allow them to absorb oxygen from the water. The swim bladders allow the fishes to maintain its appropriate level of buoyancy to swim well and their fins allow ...
Marine mammalsHumans So how do we know all of this? Scientists have put tracking tags on different species to study their behavior. Sometimes they will release a dead fish with the tag and observe how long it takes for sharks to find it. ...
Mollusks that have a cuttlebone for buoyancy and move by means of a jetstream are known as (a) snails (b) nautilus (c) chitons (d) squid (e) sea slugs List three basic structures found in all mollusks. Which of the following characteri...
Humans and other mammals breathe by means of a cul-de-sac respiratory system in which inhaled fresh air is mixed with residual stale air remaining in the dead-end alveoli of the lungs, which can never be completely emptied.Birds, on the contrary, have a complex weight-reducing system of ...
Mallards don’t dive in the water, unlike most species of ducks that are well adapted to diving. Before diving, ducks compress their feathers against the body to squeeze out the air, reducing buoyancy. Diving ducks arch their bodies and, with a single thrust of their powerful legs and feet...
Have a lateral line system, a keen sense of smell, and excellent eyesight. Swim bladder (gas-filled sac) for buoyancy Bony fishes Evolution of tetrapods Amphibians were the 1 st vertebrates to live on land They descended from fishes that had fins ...
2. What adaptations did mammals have that allowed them to survive while others did not? Feathers evolved for purposes other than flight. What are some possible functions for these early feathers? What are some adaptations that animals have that plants do not have? Why do nematodes molt?...
2. What adaptations did mammals have that allowed them to survive while others did not? What are the defining characteristics of echinoderms? a. adult radial symmetry, water-vascular system, and endoskeletons with spines b. adult bilateral symmetry...
Match the Baby Animal to Its Mama Quiz Read Next 7 Questions About Mammals Answered Why Do Animals Have Tails? Abundant Animals: The Most Numerous Organisms in the World Gorilla gorilla,Sula sula, and Other Animals Whose Names Are Tautonyms—the Same for Genus and Species ...