Maybe this use of their ideas is appalling to 'Real Libertarians'... well, it's an appalling world sometimes. Is it fair to communism that everyone thinks its Leninist manifestation is the only possible one? Do you think I'm happy to have national representatives like Dukakis, Gore, and ...
on occasions where commercial interests or classes were in question, libertarians could count on the organisational muscle of the LPDL and the numerous trade associations federated within it to muster serious political obstruction. Given such facts, the LPDL's action against temperance measures through...
A libertarian republic is also one of laissez-faire domestic policies and limited to no taxation. Citizens under a constitutional system should be free to do as they please, provided they do no harm to others. “Victimless Crimes” are in truth not crimes at all, and all human beings in a...
LLibertarian(political party) LLibra(Latin: Pound) LLiberty Media Corporation(stock symbol) LLeader Program LCold Weather(US military aircraft modified mission symbol) LPolymerase(virus protein identifier) LLigand(chemistry) LLogarithmic(complexity theory) ...
For example, libertarians would approve the use of firearms in response to threat of life. A libertarian would first brandish his weapon against an armed intruder and shoot said intruder he fail to heed the warning and do so in a manner to incapacitate him, if possible, rather than ...
delivers remarks at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, on May 24. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Jul 2024 Early reviews of Vance as the VP pick are in — and they’re raves Members of the party were quick to say they loved Trump’s choice of running mate. Lisa ...
Here is a simple way to explain these so called government “successes” and why the libertarian will choose to “benefit” from the results of big government, even while speaking against them. Consider what I would be forced to do if our government some how legally took ...
A June 19 analysis by The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, said Trump’s tariff plans are not “a good way for governments to raise revenue” and are also “mathematically implausible even with radical spending cuts.” When asked during a lengthy interview by Time on April 30 if ...
The police was able to connect Ross Ulbricht and Dread Pirate Roberts partly because both of these “personas” said they were a) libertarians b) followers of the Mises Institute c) both of them wanted to create “an economic simulation of what it would be like to live in a world without...
Happy Birthday to the world-changing conservative and libertarian--he called himself both--the late William F. Buckley, Jr., who died (on my own birthday) six years ago at the age of 82. No matter what our political views are or were, we wish he were still part of the American ...