45 related questions found Why do Jews do tzedakah? Tzedakah isan ethical obligation that the Torah mandates, also known as a “mitzvah,” or law. Many Jews give tzedakah before Shabbat (the sabbath) and festivals (such as Purim and Shavuot). Its intention is to show the Jewish people's ...
FILE - Muslim pilgrims pray around the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 2023. Muslims do not worship the Kaaba, a cube-shaped structure that they consider the metaphorical house of God; it’s the focal ...
Citizen Kane, despite being a flop when it was first released, has gone on to become one hell of an overrated movie, in fact it’s arguably the most overrated movie of all time. Thanks to groupthink, lickspittle critics, Kane has been declared not only the “greatest film ever […] ...
We shine brightest when we shine together. 4. Live Surrendered to the Lord How can we shine for God? Jesus says that we are to let our lights shine before men so that they will see our good works and glorify God (Matthew 5:16). That's how we do it. We live for God. We h...
JONAH: Oh, they will. SAILOR: Then why do you look so miserable? JONAH: Because it wasn’t supposed to be this way! The people of Nineveh were evil. The city was supposed to be destroyed. That’s what happens when you do bad things. You get punished! You get kicked out of the ...
How Do You “See” Things? What’s Your Filter? Zechariah 1-3: What Kind of Lens? God’s people had spent 70 years in captivity in Babylon (1.12). The first group of exiles, including Zechariah, had returned to Jerusalem. They had begun rebuilding the temple but then had become indiff...
since the Christian faith owes so much to it. We should learn about it because it helps us understand Jesus in His time, our own New Testament and why people in the Old Testament did what they did. It even helps us understand world history, since the Jews have played such a pivotal ro...
Revelation 2:9 KJV I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan. Things to make note of here. Satan does not have a synagogue, but Jews do. However, John ...
But they were unable to disclose the interpretation of the message. 16 However, I have heard[hh] that you are able to provide interpretations and to solve difficult problems. Now if you are able to read this writing and make known to me its interpretation, you will wear purple and have...
The Chumash are an indigenous people who traditionally lived in coastal areas in Southern California. When the Europeans settled in California in the 16th century, they built missions which were designed to teach the Chumash to farm and to convert them to Catholicism....