I'm curious as to what other Theravada Buddhists think about the god of Christianity. Does he exist? To recap, the god of Christianity is an insanely jealous being who created two naive humans, put them in a garden with a tree they weren't allowed to eat from, then kicked them out of...
My point that Japan under the Meji restoration is that it took scientific and industrial from the west, but avoided the dark plague of Christianity by kicking out all the Catholic missionaries. And hence today it is one of the most successful countries in the world. Bernard Lewis ...
We, of course, do not deny that the disciples of Prophet Jesus did receive the Spirit of God, that the true converts to the faith of Jesus were hallowed with the Holy Spirit, and that there were numerous Unitarian Christians who led a saintly and righteous life. On the day of the Pent...
As the business of the soldier is to fight, so the business of the Christian is to be like Christ. — Jonathan Edwards 486 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds — Paul the Apostle 474 Humility does not mean you think less of yourself....
I agree that Gospel Christianity by itself is not a sufficient guide, but I think we are looking at it backwards to say it must be supplemented. It is of the essence of Christianity to be a supplement to a preexisting culture, to lead it back to its origins and forward to the revelati...
All of this raises some fascinating questions about the meaning of ekklesia in early Christianity, and why the early Christians chose this particular word to describe their meetings. I’ll try to answer these questions in my next post. When a Church is Not a Church, Part 3 “Freedom of Spe...
Similarly, both Rabbinism and - what, by anticipation, we designate - Christianity might regard the same predictions as Messianic, and look for their fulfillment; while at the same time the Messianic ideal of the Synagogue might be quite other than that, to which the faith and hope of the ...
In Henry Ford’s, The International Jew, written in the 1920’s, he outlines the beginnings of the Anti Christian Jews’ initial attempts to eradicate Christianity from public life. Henry Ford writes:— “The Jews’ interference with the religion of others, and the Jews’ determination to ...
It is easier for pop Christianity to appear on Rogan. It surely must be someone who allows for all sorts of compromise to get to that place. I’m not saying it is impossible for a separatist to go viral, but very unlikely. This is the nature of celebrity Christianity today. Nevertheless...
The Spirit of Christianity The Holy Spirit is a tough subject in Christianity. It seems everyone has their own experiences of how the Spirit works. Or doesn’t. Tim and Jon talk a little bit about their own Holy Spirit experiences growing up. Jon grew up in a Baptist church where the ...