How do Jews celebrate Shavuot? What is the Torah? What are Jewish food laws? What holiday is not mentioned in the Torah? Who performs a Jewish bris? What is the Jewish holiday day of Atonement called? What is a Seder? What are common traditions of Hanukkah?
Chapter 7/ Lesson 3 67K What is Judaism and what do Jews believe? Learn about the Jewish faith and its doctrines, history and beginning, major beliefs, texts, branches, and other facts. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
it came to be “an allegory on Israel’s fate, each of the victors in the song representing another (and later) kingdom to which the Jews were subservient” (My People’s Passover Haggadah, Volume 2, p. 222
The final day of Sukkot is known as Shmini Atzeret (eight days of gathering), also known as Simchat Torah (Torah rejoicing), though some consider it a separate holiday. Here, the focus is not on the lulav and sukkah but rather on the Torah itself, marking the completion of another year...
What is 5780 on the Jewish calendar? Why do Jews celebrate Shabbat? What is a Bat/Bar Mitzvah important? What is Sukkot? What day is the Sabbath? What is the seventh day on the Jewish calendar? What day do Jewish people worship? What is Yom Ha'atzmaut? What day do Jews go to synag...