And so far Monzo’snew offeringlooks strangely unambitious and feature-free, while simultaneously being quite innovative with its focus on solving customer problems such as:“How on Earth do I get a grip on my pensions without knowing much about pensions?” Dive in for our thoughts on the Mon...
SHOW NOTES: Netanyahu admits 9/11 was good for Israel Hayek quote on “The curious task of economics” The Lord of the Rings – FLNWO #07 Escobar article mentioning INSTEX The Death of SWIFT and the (Engineered) Death of the Dollar ...
I am not sure who wrote this article. I do not agree with the statement "India nor Nepal makes medical students undergo rigorous testing before they become a doctor". I am from India and I worked in Australia and New Zealand for 10 years and here in US for 10 years. The US system ...
tech companies, social media companies, startups with so much funding they didn’t know what to do with it, they jumped all over this office space to get their share of the office pie
4. Learn to get along with people different from you. 3. Listen to your parents, even if they are not here. That "inner voice" should encourage and prod you to do your best. 2. You are not alone – profs, deans, RA's, and counselors are here to help (take advantage of this ...
The more we go to HIm, and away from worldly things, the closer we will be and the more miraculous our lives will be. But even if we do not do a “perfect” job in this relationship, it is still ok. We do not make it to heaven because of anything we can do, because we are ...
2) Germany is being flooded by a tsunami of immigrants thanks to the (Jewish) Neo-conservative regime change agenda for the Middle East. 3) Three times/second the German people continue to be slandered on the international stage by (Jewish) controlled Hollywood/M.S.M. over some holo-hoax ...
I think that this would lead to a more balanced income distribution, and that young folks without a degree, elderly folks, and immigrants, unemployed folks and various others would fill the gaps. Besides, as we're becoming a more knowledge based society, I think that's going to...
As Gerard says above, once we have left the EU we will be free from the Euro-collective, free from political correctness and free from Cultural Marxism. We will be free to speak our minds – Heaven knows we can’t do that at the moment for fear of offending any ‘snowflakes’. We wi...
I manage a team of 22 IT pros in Cary, 18 of who are from abroad, we looked for staff suitable for the role for over a year and hired the 4 applicants that applied fro the role. So now i have hired 18 immigrants who live in the US and contribute to its economy. Do you kno...