When I write HF, I mean this: HF also means "Head F*ck" and "High Frequency." Summary of Key Points We have summarized the key points in the table below: HF Definition: Have Fun Type: Abbreviation Guessability: 3: Guessable Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers Second Definition of ...
In other words, it can be written "DYM?" or "DYM". What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media? Before the digital era, we might have said something like "would you mind?" or "what do you mean?" instead of DYM. Second Definition for DYM...
Overall, SML is a piece of internet slang that can stand for “screw my life” or “story of my life. It is also a common expression in the Philippines that can be used to mean “so what” or “who cares?” The term has additional meanings when texting, like “smile” and “sendin...
FBI/Jesuit idiots were texting me insane messages they were going to deposit $5000.00 into my Phoenix AZ sabotaged business bank account immediately while they know I am working 1600 miles away working in Daytona Beach ,FL, and because of their own insane sabatoging of my business in AZ??