come clean:坦白交代,全盘托出(一直隐藏的事情)剑桥词典英语释义:to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping secret:例句:I thought it was time to come clean (with everybody) about what I'd been doing.我想是时候向大家说出我最近做了些什么了。on the table:公开地(查看,讨论)注...
Speed-Clean Regularly Didier Robcis/Getty Images If you truly want to cut down yourcleaningtime, Sardone says, then you really need to clean more often. Once you’ve deep-cleaned your house, give it a once-over every couple of weeks. It’ll keep the place looking nice an...
Airpurifiers(净化器)domorethancleanthe airinyourhouse.Itisoneofthebest31. (tool)thatcanimproveyoursleep.However, onlycleanairpurifierscanhelpyousleep32. (peaceful).Air purifiers 33. blockedfilters(过滤器 )may producealoud noise.Thatwillnever makeyoufallasleep.Instead,itwillwaketheperson34. istryingto...
These hacks allow you to clean faster, giving you more time to do other things. Organizing Your Home and Decluttering It. You might be wondering what a general cleaning includes. Decluttering should be at the core of any good cleaning session. Sort items into categories to decide what you ...
Knickers, Underpants, Bras, Shoes, Doors and Vacuum Cleaners; WHAT CLEAN-UP TEAM FOUND DUMPED ON A1Byline: LINDA RICHARDSEvening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Clean Essential for a healthy living environment. Keeping the house clean is crucial for the family’s health. 9 Cleanse To purify or detoxify, often with a focus on health or spiritual well-being. She started a juice cleanse to detoxify her body. 9 Clean To remove dirt, debris, or impur...
Therefore, it is of great importance to do a good job in reclaiming wasteland. We will briefly discuss some important aspects of doing a good job of cleaning up wasteland: Edit this paragraph of tools and cleaners As the saying goes, "work is good for its work, and you must sharpen ...
3.1 Lightweight Vacuum Cleaners Keeping your house clean does not have to be heavy work that leaves you tired and aching. It doesn’t matter if you have mobility issues, fighting with a condition like arthritis, or you simply feel weaker due to old age – giving your carpets a good, thor...
While cleaning often requires physical scrubbing, washing, and the use of detergents or cleaners to achieve a germ-free state, achieving neatness might simply involve tidying up, organizing, and decluttering without necessarily involving any cleaning agents or processes. 9 Clean environments can still...
If you are hiring new cleaners for your childcare facility, then you need to look beyond basic expertise. Take a look at our blog posts to learn more.