Why do I have cutworms? Cutworms are the larvae of the cutworm moth, which lays its eggs in clusters in grass at night from spring through fall, depending upon the type of moth. The adult mothsare attracted to light, so cutworm invasions often happen on lawns surrounding well-lit homes...
Sphinx Moth caterpillars are known as hornworms due to the horn-like protrusion on their tail end. Here is a comparison table of the Snowberry Clearwing and Sphinx Moth features: Life Cycle and Reproduction Caterpillar Phase The life cycle of the Snowberry Clearwing begins with theeggs. A fem...
These large, green caterpillars have horn-like structures on their rear end. They feed on both the leaves and fruits of tomato plants, and can quickly cause extensive damage. Both tobacco and tomato hornworms feed on plants in the nightshade family, mainly tomato and also eggplant, pepper, a...
The Achemon Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha achemon) begins its life as a tiny, round egg, usually laid on host leaves such as wild grape or woodbine. The eggs hatch after just a few days. Caterpillars and Larvae The larvae of the Achemon Sphinx Moth, also known as hornworms, go through severa...
Occasionally, we’ll get a bunch of hornworms in our garden. We just pick them off and give them to the birds. Vegetable ends that you might otherwise toss in the compost can go to chickens. Your birds will need leafy green material. If your birds free range on healthy pastures...
We started with brunch on our awesome patio, where we discovered the biggest, most evil looking caterpillar EVER had been causing our tomato plants to look leggy and bedraggled. Stupidtomato hornworm! Ben didn’t want to get stabbed, touch it, or have much of anything to do with it, so...