What do Germans say when someone sneezes?German Expressions:In German, as in any other language, there are many expressions that are used repeatedly for certain situations. For example, in English, when a friend is sick, we might say, 'Get well soon' or around New Year's Day, we might...
Did I just Sneeze or is That the Tallest Man in the World ? There is lots of useless information roaming around our little skulls. There are some epochal moments that we rightfully retain, but what is important to some might not be important to others. Do we need to know the difference...
It's sometimes hard to say when its disease or dis-ease when you don't know a lot about a subject. Log in to post comments By Hans (not verified) on 20 Mar 2013 #permalink Do I detect projection from Mr Young? You're not alone. Let me try a slight modification to Mr. Young'...
Not long ago you were so variegated, young and malicious, so full of thorns and secret spices, that you made me sneeze and laugh—and now? You have already doffed your novelty, and some of you, I fear, are ready to become truths, so immortal do they look, so pathetically honest, so...
What a racist thing to say when you lump all arabs/muslims together. Like European white Christians have always got along….? What about the Reformation? The 30 Years War. WWI & II. How ignorant of you to imply that all Arabs are the same. They have their differences just like we do...
, is always, I believe, the first thing that strikes the eye.— One must resolutely and radically banish this newest form of bad taste; and finally I wish people to place the good amulet, "gai saber" around their hearts and necks—"gay science," to clarify it for the Germans....