A.He dislikes travelling all the time. B.He always plays music for Germans. C.He thinks it’s no fun playing the piano. 12.Why does the man refuse to take the new job? A.He doesn’t get a good pay. B.He dislikes working on a coast. C.He hates always playing the same music....
Do Amish speak High German? High German is considered the language of the church. It is not spoken in everyday usage, butBiblesand other religious books are printed and read in High German. Amish children have German lessons in school. Do Amish speak English with an accent? Usually. But i...
man--men男人,woman--women女人,a man teacher- two men teachers,foot--feet脚,tooth-- teeth牙齿,mouse--mice老鼠,child--children孩子,deer---deer鹿,sheep--sheep绵羊,Russian---Russians俄国人,German---Germans德国人,American--- Americans美国人,Chinese--- Chinese中国人,Japanese--- Japanese日本人,S...
If he were living today, Will Shakespeare would reside as a community theater local "star" amongst my many cousins in eastern Tennessee in a house with a front porch decorated by all-year-long Christmas tree lights and featuring a really big Coke Machine. My childhood friend Ernie from Glen...
the Nazis fought a scorched earth campaign in late 1944 and early 1945 against Finland when Finland turned on them to reclaim their nation and make peace with the USSR. The Germans left a trail of ruin as they were driven from Lapland, where they once were stationed as allies. The harsh ...
My Mom put so much importance on being together for Christmas that it was not enjoyable. The meal was tense, the pressure to be the perfect family was enormous. It was like she was trying to recreate that Norman Rockwell painting of the family at Thanksgiving. And yet, I do miss it. ...
The Germans like to talk business before dinner. The French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 1 What do the Germans prefer when they go to a meeting? A. They prefer to be on time. B. ...
(I call the song by its original title and I suggest you do the same.) Though originally written as a Thanksgiving song, somehow it found its way into the roasted chestnuts of our Christmas music lexicon forever. “Jingle Bells” was the first song broadcasted from space in a Christmas ...
a practice that didn’t end when World War II was over, but was continued in Communist East Germany with the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) creating one of themost extensive police infiltrations of a societyin history where one of every 63 East Germans collaborated as spies against their...
What do French call football? 1.Le sport. Le sport (= sport) is a popular topic for French conversations. Especially le football (=soccer, football), which we also commonly call le foot. Is Germany good in football? Germany isone of the most successful national teams in international compe...