Question: What do all eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not have? a. cell membrane b. nucleus c. DNA d. cytoskeleton e. flagella Cell Membrane: The cell membrane is a critical component of the cell as it allows for selective diffusion of compou...
How do prokaryotic cells differ in size from eukaryotic cells? What do all eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not have? a. cell membrane b. nucleus c. DNA d. cytoskeleton e. flagella Describe different components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Which of these are in animal ...
Although all eukaryotic cells have a number of elements in common, they vary widely in appearance and function depending on the tissue to which they contribute. This is perhaps more true of nerve cells than of any other cell in the human body, as these cells have unique shapes, interactions ...
1. What is the complementary strand for: 5'-ATGCATGCATGCCC-3'? How many turn(s) will this strand have? 2. Are eukaryotic cells always diploid during S phase whereas bacteria are only haploid at the end of DNA replication? What catalyzes DNA synthesis?
eukaryoticcells. Prokaryotes Prokaryotesaredifferentfromeukaryotesbecausetheydonothaveanuclear membrane.Otherdifferencesincludetheinternalstructureofthecellwhichdiffers betweenthetwogroupsofcells.Prokaryotesalsohaveflagella,pilli,aplasma membrane,andcircularshapedchromosomes.Unlikeeukaryotes,allprokaryoteshave ...
In general, prokaryote reproduction works in a simpler manner than the reproductive methods of eukaryotic organisms. The process is a kind of cell division calledbinary fission, and it is basically a self-replication procedure. Intheory, the end result is two identical prokaryotic cells, and that...
The Nucleus: In eukaryotic cells, the nucleus holds the DNA. DNA is arranged in long strands, each being called a chromosome. The normal human nucleus has 46 chromosomes. These chromosomes are identical in each cell, thanks to the process of cell division. ...
01_02_Numbers of nuclei in cells 15 related questions found What is an example of a Multinucleate? Multinucleate cells (multinucleated or polynuclear cells) are eukaryotic cells that have more than one nucleus per cell, i.e., multiple nuclei share one common cytoplasm. ... For example,slime...
. All known prokaryotes, such as bacteria and, are single cells. In contrast, if the DNA is partitioned off in its own membrane-bound room called the, then that cell is aeukaryote. Some eukaryotes, like amoebae, are free-living, single-celled entities. Other eukaryotic cells are part of...
2A). All the eukaryotic Gcn5 homologues contain an acetyl transferase (AT) domain and a C-terminal bromodomain [33]. Bromodomains are approximately 110-amino-acid motifs found in many chromatin-associated proteins. Structural analysis revealed that the bromodomains of Gcn5 or PCAF have a ...