Estrogenic foods are plant foods containing phytoestrogens, naturally occurring compounds similar to thehormoneestrogen. These plant chemicals may have estrogenic or estrogen-blocking effects. Naturally occurring estrogenic foods include legumes, fruits and seeds. Studies conducted on the effects of estrogen-...
It's important to determine why you have estrogen dominance to begin with and address that. But, that can take time. In the meantime, leveraging high-quality supplements is a great way to provide your liver with nutrients to process estrogen and could help some women create more favorable est...
Soy isoflavones are often touted as a way to increase estrogen levels (although the true effects of soy on estrogen levels are still being hotly debated), so reducing soy consumption can help to increase testosterone. This may not be as easy as you may think because soy is often an ...
Progesterone drops with perimenopause because progesterone is hard to make. Unlike estrogen (which you make on the way to ovulation), progesterone can only be madeafterovulation. And ovulation is hard to do, especially as you move into your forties and start to have shorter luteal phases andmore...
I am a male who wishes to increase the size of my breasts and nipples and need help to do this. Firstly, how would I increase my estrogen levels to do this, and is it possible? I am trying many natural herbs so long and a product called Bio Bust (cream and tablets). I have been...
Taking oral DHEA hormone supplements isn’t the only option for optimizing DHEA and DHEA-S levels in the body. A foundational aspect is to support the adrenals.Adrenal healthbecomes particularly important as we age, and the ovaries stop producing DHEA, along with testosterone and estrogen as we...
So do your genes, which influence not just how your body produces hormones, but how it responds to them. Let’s look at the experiences of three women, each of whom has “estrogen dominance” issues. Scenario 1: Adding estrogen through lifestyle Kylie, 23, is in her last year of ...
Girls should pay special attention to the supplements of soy foods if they want to be young. Enter after 30 years of age, in particular, shall ensure that every day a cup of thick soya-bean milk, or a piece of tofu, because soybeans to estrogen supplements can't be reflected ...
Estrogen therapy:Localized estrogen therapy comes in the form of vaginal rings, creams, or tablets. This therapy improves sexual function by increasing vaginal blood flow and lubrication, as well as improving vaginal tone and elasticity. Risks ofhormone therapyvary depending on your age, risk of ot...
Girls should payspecial attention to the supplements of soy foods if they want to be young.Enter after 30 years of age, in particular, shall ensure that every day a cupof thick soya-bean milk, or a piece of tofu, because soybeans to estrogensupplements can't be reflected immediately, so...