Conclusion: Young emergency physicians now faced with the practice of their specialism indicated that their initial training, received within the framework of the DESC MU, is suitable to their practice. The majority quickly secured hospital posts enabling them to perform varied full-time work. This ...
Emergency physicians treat patients from all walks of life and all ages: men and women; adults and children. They treat various illnesses at every stage, including patients with diseases and conditions related toneurology,cardiology,pulmonology,renalissues, gastrointestinal problems, orthopedic concerns,pr...
The basic concept of obtaining informed consent is familiar to emergency physicians, and many consider themselves well versed on the topic; however, lack of obtaining proper informed consent is a frequent source of lawsuits. The legal definitions and nuances of informed consent might surprise even th...
And Good Samaritans shouldn’t worry about whether they’ll be sued, at least in the United States. Thanks to theAviation Medical Assistance Act of 1998, volunteer physicians or other people who offer assistance during an in-flight medical emergency are protected from legal liability, except in ...
What Do Primary Care Physicians Do? A primary care physician is a health manager. They are in clinics,long-term carefacilities, private practices, outpatient hospital settings, inpatient hospital settings, and group practices. They can handle issues such as: ...
What are emergency drugs? Emergency Medicine: Emergency medicine is a medical specialty. Usually, physicians who have this qualification work in a hospital emergency room or similar facility. Those practicing this specialty must have their tools at the ready. ...
How the ban may affect Emergency Physicians In most cases, if the FTC ruling is upheld, health care providers willnotbe subject to contractual noncompete clauses. Until at least September 4, 2024, the FTC’s ruling has no effect. Litigation in the case may cause the courts to stay enfo...
Pediatric emergency physicians should consider cocaine exposure when a child of any age presents with abnormal movements. Dystonic reaction is an uncommon, but reported, complication of cocaine exposure in the absence of other risk factors and may be the first presentation of child neglect.In this ...
Primary Care Follow-up After Emergency Department Visits for Routine Complaints: What Primary Care Physicians Prefer and What Emergency Department Physicia... Primary Care Follow-up After Emergency Department Visits for Routine Complaints: What Primary Care Physicians Prefer and What Emergency Department Ph...
"The point is not to check the box of shadowing," he says. "The whole point is, do you understand what you're getting yourself into? Have you done anything which shows that you have some idea of how to deal with people in distress and what ...