You will need an EKG to check your heart rhythm and how fast your heart beats. You may also need to wear a Holter monitor at home while you do your usual activities. The Holter monitor is a portable EKG machine.How is A-fib treated?
A biphasic P wave in the inferiorleads results from interference of the atrial conduction of Bachmann׳s bundle, which in turn results in delayed activation of the left atrium as the impulse propagated from the lower right atrium to the left atrium occurs in a caudo-cranial direction. Are bi...
For example, if I drink iced tea from a fast food restaurant or oranges, my potassium depletes quickly, and I can be laid out for days. But if I eat some candies or brownies, I do not have a problem. Some days when I am laid out on the bed, and my husband has to give me po...