What Does DS Mean in a Text?home▸search d▸DSAd Ad The Quick Answer DS means "Dear Son," "Darling Son," "Dear Sister," or "Directing Staff." Dear Son / Darling Son / Dear Sister The abbreviation DS is most commonly used online and in texting with the meaning "Dear Son."...
So popular has it become that the term has been turned into an emote which is among the most popular on the platform. But what does it even mean? What is the origin story? Check out this short video below as it has much to do with how the term happened to originate. The video resp...
With the increase in the popularity in the use of online text-based communications came the development of an innovative texting language, designed to enhance communication. Today, text and chat abbreviations are used on Facebook. These chat abbreviations are common on Facebook, Twitter, instant me...
I have in the past depended on the kindness of you readers to provide reliquaries. I put the names of donors on a tag on the base to remember them when they are moved, which I usually do on their feasts. I have put a few more reliquaries on my wishlist. HERE Here’s a ...
MIL Definitions include: acronym for "mother-in-law". OG Definitions include: acronym of "original gangsta" meaning an older gangsta. IRL Definitions include: acronym for "in real life". fud Definitions include: the vulva ("vagina"). WWYD Definitions include: acronym for "what would you do"...
Do you know what song I like? That one Rihanna song about finding love in the home of Space. Not sure what it means, exactly, but it makes me want to dance! Who are you listening to these days? I need some new “tunes” for my iPod. ...
What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media? Before the digital era, we might have just said "See You" or "Cover Your Ass," instead of using the abbreviation CYA. Example of CYA Used in a Texttranslateo no! the boss has cn me arr l8. im ded! dw telim u were w/me. if ...
What Does TLTR Mean in a Text?home▸search t▸TLTRThe Quick Answer TLTR means "Too Long To Read." More Observations... The abbreviation TLTR is used with the meaning "Too Long To Read" as a succinct, pointed (and, perhaps, rude) response to a post or message that the ...
Image for ABTWhen I write ABT, I mean this:ABT usually means "About."Summary of Key Points We have summarized the key points in the table below: ABT Definition: About Type: Abbreviation Guessability: 1: Easy to guess Typical Users: Adults and TeenagersExamples of ABT in Sentences ...
It is an abbreviation used in instant messaging and other text-based communications to mean "As Soon As I Know." ASAIK implies that the sender is currently unsure or unaware of something, but is committing to finding out and to informing the recipient as soon as they do. It can be used...