If you plan to get surgery for yourprostate cancer, there are a few things you can do to get ready ahead of time. As with any surgery, your well-being and safety are important. If youprepare for surgery, you’ll be more likely to have a successful outcome. What Should You Do Before...
If you do choose to participate in a sport with lots of physical contact, talk to your doctor about how to protect your kidney. They may recommend wearing a padded vest or belt under your clothing. If you've donated a kidney, stay in touch with your doctor to ensure you stay healthy. ...
Editors' Picks Treatments What Is the Difference between Doxycycline and Amoxicillin? Wellness What Is Cardiovascular Endurance? Conditions What Is a 100 Day Cough? Diet What Is Vitamin D? Conditions Why Do Spicy Foods Cause Runny Noses?
the symptoms last weeks, months, or sometimes years if you don't seek treatment. If you are depressed, you are often unable to perform daily activities. You may not care enough to get out of bed or get dressed, much less work, do errands, or socialize. ...
If your child is seriously constipated (where occasional magnesium citrate or dietary changes are not sufficient) then I recommend you get my book on natural healing for constipation: Listen To Your Colon, which has specific instructions for treating constipation in children after every section – or...
Above all, keep in mind that any natural remedies for hypothyroidism are not regulated. In fact, some alternative treatments may be dangerous. [21] Hypothyroidism Treatments That Don’t Work One treatment that medical doctors do not recommend? Natural dessicated thyroid products (either porcine or ...
This remedy, which has a long history among Native Americans, is used for constipation and colds, eye infections, and even cancer. But goldenseal can affect your heart's rhythm, affect blood clotting, and lower your blood pressure. You should check with your doctor first if you have blood ...
(5)Taking it for a long time, multiple times a dayPPI treatment may be related to osteoporosis, hips, wrists or spines related Increased fracture risk. However, a newer study shows that long -term use of PPI has nothing to do with changes in bone density or bone strength, and changes ...
Do babies need iron supplements? While babies are born with enough iron to last for roughly 4 to 6 months, doctors recommend full-term infants that are breastfed receive an iron supplement around 4 months. Premature or low birth weight babies may not have the necessary amount of iron they...
Even when newborns do test positive for COVID-19, most have mild or no symptoms. If you have COVID prior to delivery or during, your baby will have some protection by the transfer of maternal antibodies across the placenta before delivery and through breast milk after delivery if you breast...