Communications Communications Majors Guide What Does it Mean to StudyCommunications? A business degree in communications is structured to teach you how to craft a convincing argument in the best medium to effectively deliver your message. It’s a modern marriage of theory and application, and it ...
“I really enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone with podcast production. It was fun to learn how to tell a story with purely voice and audio effects.” Her best advice for prospective college students considering communications as a major is the following: “Do not wait until your senior ...
cultures,andIwanttodosomethingforthoseeasilyignoredpopulationsinmynursingcareer.” InadditiontohernursingandSpanishcurriculum,Hobbsfoundmultipleinterestingwaysto bringhermajorstogether,includingthingslikeresearchandstudyabroad.Hobbswaspartofa researchprojectthatisdocumentingtheexperiencesofSpanish-speakingpopulationsinwestern...
A public relations major is a branch of communications studies. PR majors learn how to issue statements and press releases to the public, sometimes by using social media, and how to work with journalists to answer questions of public interest. Common Coursework Public Relations Majors Can Expect...
Yourresume’s education sectioncan include your school name(s), highest degree earned, majors and minors. Additionally, you can add your GPA (if it’s greater than 3.8), Dean’s list (if you’ve been on it), or Latin honors (like cum laude). List relevant coursework only if you lack...
Specialized Career Paths Based on BA Majors Your BA major doesn’t just shape your academic knowledge, it can also influence your career direction by providing specialized skills suited to specific industries. Now time to explore different BA majors, each with skill requirements, qualifications, and...
This kind of passive-aggressive communication abounds in the workplace. Rather than use “honest and open” language, “passive-aggressive communicators often use underhand and manipulative tactics to get what they want,” wrote Violet Dhu, communication skills consultant for...
If you're exploring majors, consider studying Public Relations for a lot of job opportunities after college. Here's a guide on what to expect from PR. Public Relations (PR) is all about maintaining relationships between a business or organization and the public. I chose to...
where do we begin to put these badges and then clicking on the badges and seeing what are the outcomes? What are the competencies? You what did the student learn? You know, is this continuing education that can, you know, help with certification for teachers or for human services or for...
Communications majors also benefit from analytical skills and the ability to make complex topics simple. When supplemented by the finance and investing concepts, the planner with a communications degree can be a successful financial advisor. In general, the liberal arts teach sound reasoning and analyt...