What are the main differences between chromatin and chromosomes during interphase stage? Describe the major phases of the cell cycle in a typical eukaryote. Are prokaryotes and eukaryotes a type of cell? What are examples of organisms that contain prokaryotic cells?
Do eukariotic cells have flagella or cillia? What are examples of organisms that contain prokaryotic cells? What are the main differences between chromatin and chromosomes during interphase stage? Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
A poor theoretical physicist could not be expected to produce anything like a competent survey of the experimental evidence, which consists of a large number of long and beautifully interwoven series of breeding experiments of truly unprecedented ingenuity on the one hand and of direct observations ...
For this to be possible, both the male and female gametes must possess half as much genetic material as the rest of the cells of the organism. Therefore the spermatozoon is known as a haploid cell. Haploid cells have half the chromosomes (one of each pair), and in humans this is 23 ch...
Here, it's worth noting that there are two types of cell walls in plants. These include: Primary Cell Wall Found in higher plants, the primary cell wall consists of cellulose (a polysaccharide), hemicellulose, and pectin. In addition, this wall has been shown to contain a number of other...
Haploid describesa cell that contains a single set of chromosomes. The term haploid can also refer to the number of chromosomes in egg or sperm cells, which are also called gametes. In humans, gametes are haploid cells that contain 23 chromosomes, each of which a one of a chromosome pair ...
[5]. Similarly, the combined deletion of chromosomes 1p and 19q was identified to carry favorable prognosis in gliomas [6]. Eventually, 1p19q co-deletion, along with the presence of an IDH mutation, became pathognomonic for oligodendrogliomas that carry the best prognosis among diffuse gliomas...
Centromeres are found in all eukaryotic chromosomes, while centrosomes are primarily found in animal cells, with plant and fungal cells having different microtubule organizing centers. 12 Can the number of centrosomes in a cell change? Yes, during cell division, the centrosome duplicates to help ...
Chromatin is spread out within the nucleus of the cell, but when the cell gets ready to divide the chromatin condenses into forming chromosomes. These structures form the histones, which help to create the double helix s...
Why do human sex cells only contain a total of 23 chromosomes each versus 46 like other human cells? What would happen if they contained a total of 46 chromosomes each? Why does meiosis result in a reduction of genetic material and why does meiosis result in genet...