To determine where the burial will be held, will largely depend on budget and whether the deceased will be buried or cremated. Traditionally Churches prefer that Catholics be buried in consecrated grounds. Namely that of a Catholic cemetery, but other cemeteries may be chosen. Optionally cremation...
Four decades ago, less than 5 percent of American were cremated when they died. Now that figure stands at nearly half. This is how cremation actually works, and what happens to a culture when its attitude about how to memorialize the dead undergoes a rev
Isaiah, Peter and Malachi tell us the fate of unbelievers is for them to become ashes, cremated. Ashes that will be looked upon with contempt or disgust (Isaiah 66:24, Daniel 12:2). These are bodies and souls of men that are now destroyed (Matthew 10:28)....
Although he had a lot of heretical views,Justin Martyr(considered to be a saint by bothGreco-Roman CatholicsandProtestants, but not by those of us in the Church of God) in the second century wrote: “For I choose to follow not men or men’s doctrines, but God and the doctrines [deli...
When Tomasello’s own mother passed away, she and her siblings decided to have a small service and to cremate their mother’s body. When her father followed a few years later, they made a toast to him with a shot of Jack Daniels, then had him cremated and divvied up the ashes. ...