SALIVADIAGNOSISBLOOD cell countMICROSPORIDIOSISThis article discusses two cases of microsporidial infection in bearded dragons. The first case involved a 4-year-old male dragon with symptoms of hematochezia, lethargy, and dehydration. The second case involved a 6-month-old female dragon ...
If you can read the information on the leg band, the two organizations named above are a good place to start to located the owner, but if all else fails, bring the bird to a rehabilitation center likeHoo Haven Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center in Durand, Illinois. As for my bac...
I know nothing about turtles. I do know, that I've never seen one baby or grown up in Falmouth. I immediately googled what to do. Most said to do nothing. That the mom gives birth and then high tails it out of there. These little guys are on their own for the rest of their jo...
Metal over-the-topness is all about the aesthetics of production, lyrics, instrumentation, dress-sense, or, to be more specific: distortion, Satan, double-kicks and spikes. Like in the case of the statement “not all smokers get cancer,” the exceptions to the rule do not necessarily make...
Graduation is coming up soon and even though it has been almost 40 years since I graduated, I do have three items of advice for this year's seniors that I did or wish I had done post-high school.
” The bearded “Human Hunter” game character used to represent the singer in this was also used to portray Jonathan Coulton himself in the machinima for“Podsafe Christmas Song,”which has made it impossible for me to watch the “Make Love, Not Warcraft” episode ofSouth Parkwithout making...
It's been driving you all crazy! You've been texting, calling and even stopping us in the street to take a guess.And no, Googling it will get you nowhere. It...
Kelly (the always-superb Robert Culp) and Scott (the once-great but now forever disgraced Bill Cosby) forego their vacation to check out her wild claim. Turns out that the supposed deity is in actuality a Soviet Air Force pilot named Dimitri (a bearded Rory Calhou...
Welcome toWhat Were You Thinking? In these exotic pets podcasts you hear that an exotic pet is a rare or unusual creature kept as a pet, or a creature kept as a pet which is not commonly thought of as a pet. The definition of an exotic pet is an evolving one; some rodents, reptile...
With it being so hot lately, your kids may stay inside more this summer than you would like. Perhaps they are driving you nuts a bit. Get them out of the house and take them to 2nd South Market this Saturday from 11 AM to 2 PM forPlay Takeover, when the Magic Valley Children's ...