I called this my ''null hypothesis' ' because it just seems the most likely and least complicated or speculative: we observe people who believe in God (for example) and people who do not. We also know that there is variation in the strengths of such beliefs. Therefore, like any other ...
God, you make me sing Funny things about you You infect my mind All the time, you do Those Crimson Tears Moving like a dancing bear It's in my blood Falling down the marble stairs It's in my blood Oh my dear, that's the way I am made, I'm afraid Those crimson tears Drip on...
The Buddhist path embraces everyone, regardless of any belief in God — or not. Atheists Buddhists, Christians, shamans, pagans, agnostics, or “undecideds” can all equally practice the Buddha’s teachings. Whether your concept of God is a...
So, what does the Bible say about the afterlife? The best place to begin is not at the end but at the beginning. In the creation account, God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life, constituting our first father as a “living soul” (Genesis...
God thinks about gays, women, hell, and other moral issues.See here.See here.See here.Gays are often condemned and women’s leadership roles are limited, despite their gifts, in God’s name. It is suggested a fiery torturous afterlife awaits infidels. How do we go about determining what...
Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers Pascal’s Wager: Is It a Good Bet? Why Stephen Hawking Said There Is No God Does the Soul Exist? Conundrums, Questions, and Quandaries
Whatever religious beliefs you subscribe to, you probably have an image in your mind about what God looks like. Even atheists have a mental picture that they can conjure when the topic comes up. Do you see God as an all-knowing, all-loving man in the clouds? What about as a super...
In the Churching of woman after child birth, they are met a the entrance to the church and then led forward. This same antiphon is used. In addition to the theme of light functioning throughout the rite there is also another echo of Christmas and Epiphany. God meets man. God comes to...
I knew I had gone deep into researching the End Times when I came across the phrase “immanentize the eschaton,” which—forgive me—sounds like something Han Solo would do to fix the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon. The actual meaning of the phrase? To “…bring about the…the ...
Two, even though faith is a gift, most people do not get it. God gives the gift in a particular fashion and people then receive it in a God ordained way. Everyone needs to know this. Seeming Contradiction The seeming contradiction between the two thoughts are first how someone will get ...