Arteries and veins are the parts of the circulatory system which carry blood between the heart, lungs, and all other areas of the body. While they both carry blood, they do not have much else in common. Arteries and veins are made of somewhat different tissue, each performing certain functi...
Unlike arteries, veins generally need to work against gravity to push blood back to your heart. Veins have valves to help with this. These are one-way pairs of flaps inside a vein. They open for blood that’s heading upwards toward the heart, and close to keep blood from flowing back d...
Veins carry deoxygenated blood towards your heart and are often located close to your skin. Veins don’t have a muscular layer like arteries do, so they rely on valves to keep your blood moving. Veins start as tiny blood vessels called venules, which become full-size veins as they come c...
Tunica Intima- the inner layer of arteries and veins. In arteries, this layer is composed of an elastic membrane lining and smoothendothelium(a special type ofepithelial tissue) that is covered by elastic tissues. Veins do not contain the elastic membrane lining that is found in arteries. In ...
What are arteries? Read an artery definition, learn about major arteries and how arteries function, and understand the dangers of hardening of the...
PURPOSE/AIM To present a variety of causes of filling defects in arteries and veins throughout the body with emphasis on etiologies other than clot. To review CT, MRI and ultrasound findings of filling defects and discuss key features to differentiate clot versus other entities. To discuss associ...
A cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases that affect the heart, veins, and arteries. These types of doctors usually receive extensive training and education. When a patient has been referred to acardiologist Frederick MDby their primary doctor, the...
What does the bicuspid valve do in the heart? What is the histology of arteries and veins? What structures receive arterial blood from the brachiocephalic artery? Which artery can be found on either side of the neck? Which vessel exits the right ventricle? a) aorta b) pulmonary trunk c) ...
Low blood pressure (hypotension) is blood pressure that is so low that it causes low flow of blood through the arteries and veins. Some of the symptoms of low blood pressure include light-headedness, dizziness, and fainting if not enough blood is getting to the brain. Diseases and medication...
@jcraig - Although it is possible to have your leg amputated by severing the femoral artery, this is usually common for most significant arteries in the body that are in limbs. As far as the femoral vein goes, to my knowledge it is just as you said. It is not as dangerous as severin...