Usewaterwisely.Donotkeepthetaprunningwhenitisnotinuse. 2 Ifwealldothis, wecansignificantlypreventwatershortagesandreducetheamountofdirtywater. Donotthrowchemicals,oils,paintsormedicinesdownthetoilet.Inmanycities,yourlocal environmentofficecanhelpwiththedisposal(清除)ofmedicinesandchemicals.Andyoushould buymoree...
🚀 Rocket Representing space exploration or travel. 🛸 Flying Saucer Symbolizing extraterrestrial objects or UFOs. Gestures Emojis EmojiEmoji MeaningDescription 👋 Waving Hand A friendly greeting or farewell. 🤚 Raised Back of Hand Signaling a stop or pause. 🖐️ Hand with Fingers Spread ...
The Nestlé logo might seem a little odd at first—what does a bird in a nest have to do with their products? It actually comes from Swiss founder Henri Nestlé's family coat of arms. His family name means "little nest" in German, after all. ...
We all need some down time and to separate work from pleasure when our scenery is static. Tell your manager or coworkers you are “done” to minimize the blurry line of availability. Walk away from your computer to help decompress; do not stay “attached” to your screen all day even wh...
It became easier for Americans to find healthy, natural foods when Sawall Health Foods opened its doors in Detroit in 1936. Still open today, it bills itself as “the oldest family-owned and -operated natural food store” in the country. 1937: Kraft creates boxed mac and cheese danhusseyph...
there has been little to no push back from the good guys. The outcome of this Fourth Turning hinges upon the willingness of a minority of like-minded, critical thinking, dissenting Americans to stand-up and stop these evil men from turning our country into tyrannical techno-gulag of oppression...
said, "Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the horse died." Joe replied, "Well, then just give me my money back." The farmer said, "Can't do that. I've spent it already." Joe said, "Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse." The farmer asked, "What ya gonna do with ...
A: Do you mean I made a mistake? B: To be frank, you did, I think. A: Ok. I admit, but can you explain what you did with the cash I left? B: The dog was sick and I and didn’t want to call you on your vacation, so I used the money you left and some of my own to...
I realized, in thinking about this, just how much dialect can tell us about people, even when we don’t realize it. — I also got an uncomfortable jolt of just how much we as Americans are still divided by race, even in the same city, only miles apart. Now, my city has always b...
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