What amphibians live in the ocean? What do ferns and amphibians have in common? Which invertebrates are deuterostomes? What creatures did the amphibians evolve from? What reptiles and amphibians are in the temperate forest? What amphibians can live together?
What do all tailless amphibians have in common? What group of fungi can live symbiotically with plant roots? Most fungi are saprobes. What does this mean? Which invertebrates are deuterostomes? Which organism is not photoautotrophic: protist, monera, or fungi?
Whatdotheseanimalshaveincommon? Phylum Cnidaria “thejellies” Whatisacnidarian? invertebrates morethan9000species jellyfishes,corals,seaanemones,andhydras. worldwide allbutafewaremarine twodistinctbodyformsduringtheirlifecycles Polyp Medusa polyp=sessileform mouthsurroundedbytentacles. -seaanemones,corals,and...
Do all Animals have a backbone? No, only vertebrates have a backbone; many animals, including insects, are invertebrates. 10 Can Insects feel pain? It's debated, but they can react to harmful stimuli, suggesting some form of sensation. 8 Is an Insect an Animal? Yes, insects are a class...
How do you know a trait is recessive? Without genetic testing, recessive traits can be recognized if two parents who both share the trait have all children that also share the trait. If any of their children exhibit a different trait, then that indicates they were carriers of a recessive tr...
Do Vertebrates always have bones? Most Vertebrates have bones, but some, like sharks, have cartilage instead. 13 Which came first, Invertebrates or Vertebrates? Invertebrates appeared earlier in evolutionary history. 10 What are some examples of Invertebrates? Examples include spiders, snails, and sta...
What Eats Who And Who Do They Eat? Farming What Eats Team3 weeks ago 7 What You Need to Know About Livestock Auctions If you are in the market for new livestock, you have a couple of primary options open to you. One is to purchase directly from the ranches or farms, while the other...
What are the three phyla of invertebrates belonging to higher protostomes? What classifies a creature as a vertebrate or invertebrate? What type of diet do they have? Are they aquatic or terrestrial animals? The segmented body is the charac...
What is the name given to structures in different species that are similar because of common ancestry? (a) How are humans more closely related to tunicates than any other organism? (b) What features unite all Chordata? List five characteristics that make vertebrates and invertebrates similar. ...
Are all insects members of the phylum Arthropoda? What adaptations do amphibians have? What two features make an octopus a Mollusca? What do invertebrates have instead of a backbone? What are some physical features of amphibians? Explain the excretory system of Arthropods. ...