By that time, I was in a small group of 6-8 photographers, some perhaps freelancers, others maybe working for local media, a ragtag group. I didn’t have an NYPD press pass – didn’t need one since I never reported from NYC – but I had a couple of IDs on a chain a...
WHAT TECHNOLOGY WANTS ALSO BY KEVIN KELLY Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World New Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World Asia Grace WHAT TECHNOLOGY WANTS KEVIN KELLY VIKING VIKING Published by the Penguin Group ...
Direct surface runoff isthe rain or meltwater that runs off during the rain or melt event as overland flowor in the vegetation cover above a frozen soil. The meltwater and the rain falling onto snow or on frozen ground reach a stream along different pathways. How do you get a direct run...
Watersheds:Watershed algorithms transform images into grayscale, then generate a topographical map in which each pixel’s “elevation” is determined by its brightness. Regions, boundaries and objects can be inferred from where “valleys”, “ridges” and “catchment basins” form. ...
Any body of water has the potential to become a dead zone. Hypoxic regions occur in both fresh and saltwater worldwide. Dead zones mainly occur in coastal regions near watersheds, particularly in high population areas. The largest dead zone in the world is located in the lower portion of th...
Where do you suppose you fall in this model If you are the prototypic extravert, then Eysenck describes you as "outgoing, impulsive and uninhibited, having many social contacts and frequently taking part in group activities". An introvert is "a quiet, retiring sort of person, introspective, fon...
do any like my now over such our man me even most made after also did many fff before must well back through years much where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both...
Steelhead are an anadromous form of rainbow trout that spawn in streams but live most of their lives in Lakes Erie and Ontario. All forms of rainbow trout are native to Pacific coast watersheds. Brown trout continue to occur in Great Lakes tributaries and the Lower Niagara River. Spawning ...
Understorey evaluation is essential in wildlife habitat management, biomass storage and wildfire suppression, among other areas. The lack of a standardised methodology in the field measurements, and in their subsequent analysis, forces researchers to look for procedures that effectively extract understorey...
of outlets that cover a municipality, and are therefore significant indicators of local news provision. I further identify certain local news providers as “local news originators,” and map the number of LNOs for the 565 municipalities that make up the state of New Jersey, making this the ...