Illuminating Student Voices in Research: What 7th Graders Report Learning After a Revision Unit of StudyDenise N. MorganJessica L. Hrubik
When Students Hit the Surf: What Kids Really Do on the Internet. And What They Want from Librarians Presents findings from surveys of 226 7th- to 10th-graders who spent the 1998 summer at Duke University. Results are discussed as answers to questions: Wha... JJ Lubans - 《School Library...
Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg’s animated sitcom about a group of 7th-graders going through puberty. Bombay Rose — NETFLIX FILM Gitanjali Rao directed this animated film, which was chosen to open International Critics Week at the Venice Film Festival; it’s about a Hindu girl who falls in...
Get Rid of Public Health Information the Right Way Getting rid of PHI doesn’t need to be complicated. If you would like to learn more about how to properly dispose of PHI, please contact us at any time. We would be happy to discuss ways to keep your data safe, both while you’re ...
A recent study compared the videotaped teaching styles of 81 eighth-grade math teachers in the U.S. with those of teachers in Germany and Japan. What did educators learn from the study? An April 27 Education World article (Math Wars!) reported that U.S. eighth graders scored below average...
Lynne wanted to try so much, but she knew she needed to be patient and think about one or two goals that would focus her efforts when she returned to her fourth graders. She decided that keeping her own writer’s notebook and asking her students to do the same were worthy goals and ...
I don’t think so. On our last sticky day in June, many of my eighth graders sobbed and broke pandemic protocol to give each other and their teachers hugs as they left middle school behind. Tears are typical on the last day, but it felt like more this year. ...
A group of enthusiastic 6th graders recently visited the Chantilly, VA, location of Securis operations to learn more about e-waste management.
“What do you mean, Honey?” I asked. “It’s too hard and I don’t know how.” she said burying her face in the pillow. I sat down next to her, rubbed her back and gently explained that she is just a little out of practice and I offered to help her with her daily assignment...
Illuminating Student Voices in Research: What 7th Graders Report Learning After a Revision Unit of StudyDenise N. MorganJessica L. Hrubik