Religious beliefs can be brittle; they may not stand up when flooded with unprocessed emotions and desires. Spiritual life includes getting our hands dirty—wrestling with our experience just as it is, rather than strong-arming ourselves into a more spiritually acceptable l...
Spiritual fatigueis feeling tired or exhausted in your Christian journey. Spiritual fatigue is also referred to as spiritual weariness or a lack of strength to push forward; in other words, when we feel spiritually drained, defeated, and at times sick of trying. Everyone experiences spiritual wear...
To spiritually bypass is to use spirituality to avoid, suppress, or escape from uncomfortable issues or areas within life. These issues could be the loss of a loved one, a relationship breakup, family problems, childhood abuse, loneliness, low self-esteem, self-sabotaging behaviors, fear, mental...
There are many forms ofinner work, but not all of them focus on exploring, accepting, and integrating the repressed and rejected parts of you. While this path can be slow, it is – in my perspective and experience – the deepest work you can do. There are no quick fixes here. To hav...
Did you know that there are three Greek root words used in Scripture for the concept of discernment? Each word offers a unique aspect of how discernment functions spiritually and practically. The first word is “anakrino,” which refers to spiritual discernment—the ability to carefully examine ...
Submission doesn’t mean that the wife gets spiritual strength from her husband.Now of course, the husband has a duty to lead, care for, and teach his wife spiritually, but the wife shouldn’t be totally reliant on that. She needs to be relying on God for herself, too. Verse 5 says...
spiritually dead heart. Faith without works is dead because it does not reveal the transforming work of the Holy Spirit manifested in the fruit of righteousness in a person’s life (Ephesians 5:8-10;Philippians 1:9-11). (excerpt by Joel Ryan,"What Does James 2:26 Mean by 'Faith ...
Why do we play jazz music? What makes jazz music special? What does jazz music represent? What do we want to take away from this music (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, etc.)? How do we want our audiences to be changed, moved, inspired, or affected by our music?
But when I started researching the terms “spiritual spouse,”“spiritual husband,” and “spiritual wife,” I quickly realized most people are using these terms in a very different way than I originally thought. I assumed people were using these phrases to mean that you are spiritually married...
123 is also a sign that you are about to experience a major life change. This could be a move to a new location, a new job, or a new relationship. Whatever the change is, it will be a positive one that will help you to grow and expand spiritually. ...