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dist. district SW southwest(ern) div. division terr. territory E east(ern) twp. township ft. feet uninc. unincorporated isl(s). island(s) urb. urban mi. mile(s) vill. village mtn(s). mountain(s) w west(ern) N north(ern) NE northeaster(ern) Aachen...
district bed appeared ran piece maybe friend direction concerned plane literature list husband green game evening direct degree continued blood army provided influence george generally de cause average association wrong spring shot seven opened meaning freedom former changes chance works ways theory term ...
Traditional riziculture practices and beliefs of the Dusuns of Bukit Udal and Ukong, Tutong district, Brunei They are Lanour Zgued, Tariq Al Malood, Mihimid Zaien, Manal Mohammed, Shaikh Abdulkhader, Fouad Alzzawe, Khalifa Al Nashmi, Brian Masin, Yousif Mahfoodh, Ali Naser, Samah Mo...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition LMWDLow-Mass White Dwarf(astronomy) LMWDLeyte Metropolitan Water District(Philippines) LMWDLinwood Metropolitan Water District(Linwood, Michigan) ...
NDCNorth District Choir(Philippines) NDCNew Drug Code(various organizations) NDCNational Dialogue Council(Iraq) NDCNATO Deployable Corps NDCNational Dispatch Center, Inc. NDCNational Development Conference(various nations) NDCNational Democratic Committee ...
At this time, the DIIT is developing an overall educational technology framework and criteria to guide school and district level decisionmaking. Creating a node of cultural exchange: a strategic route to use educational technology to support student learning The Leyte Tide Embankment project, a 27.3...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia AcronymDefinition PALOPa-Risc Linux Loader PALOPennsylvania Association of Latino Organizations(Harrisburg, PA) PALOPolice Architectural Liaison Officer(UK) PALOPeriodiek Algemeen Lichamelijk Onderzoek(Dutch: Periodic Physical Examinati...
NARCNational Abaca Research Center(Leyte State University) NARCNon-Automatic Relay Center NARCNational Amateur Retriever Championship NARCNorth American Rayon Corporation(Tennessee) NARCNon-AUTODIN Relay Center NARCNon-Automatic Relay Code NARCNavy Automatic Relay Controller ...