Edema, also spelled oedema, and also known as fluid retention, dropsy, hydropsy and swelling, is the build-up of fluid in the body's tissue. Most commonly, the legs or arms are affected. What disease was dropsy? Background: Dropsy was a term used to describe generalized swelling and was...
Another preposterous medical tragedy was recounted by one of our office staff members. She joined us, in part, as a means to displace her personal sadness. Her 20-year old son – burdened with muscular dystrophy (incurable, slowly progressive muscle weakness) – died not from his disease but...
The body was so well preserved that he could “detect the disease of which she had died… as if the examination had taken place upon a subject a few hours after death”. His diagnosis was ovarian dropsy – the earliest documented case of ovarian cancer....
) The quality or state of being difficult to remedy, relieve, or subdue; as, the obstinacy of a disease or evil. Obstinate (a.) Pertinaciously adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course; persistent; not yielding to reason, arguments, or other means; stubborn; pertinacious; -- usually ...
Semantic incommensurability challenges the intuition that there is continuity between the past and present concepts of a disease. As previously noted, “syphilis” had been defined as a set of characteristic symptoms before it was later defined asT. palliduminfection. If, after the discovery ofT....
It seems that although these Eskimos consumed a diet rich in fat, they had low blood-cholesterol levels and rarely suffered from heart disease. Closer scrutiny of the Eskimo diet uncovered fish as the source of most of the fat. The fat in these fish, however, was differe...
Lily of the valley is used to treat respiratory illnesses like achronic obstructive pulmonary diseaselike asthma and emphysema. Pulmonary edema which can result in congestive heart failure if not treated can be treated effectively by the use of this herb. ...