If you or someone else notices you have dilated pupils or one of your pupils looks larger than the other after head trauma, seekmedical attention immediately. The same is true if you experience sudden dizziness, headache, confusion, balance problems or other symptoms of a possible stroke. Can ...
The dilated portion of the eye exam lets your eye doctor get a better look at the retinas and optic nerves using magnifying lenses and special light sources.
Dilated Pupils You may want to slip on some shades next time you're around your crush so the "windows to your soul" don't give away your secret longing. When you're interested in or aroused by someone, yourpupilsdilate. It's not something you can control, but it may help you out ...
Pupil dilation Dilating your pupils means making them bigger. For thedilated part of the exam, they'll give you special eye drops that temporarily expand your pupils and hold them open. This is an important step that allows a much wider view of the inside and back of your eyes. It also ...
An optometrist can see really well into the back of your eyes once the pupils are dilated but I must say the whole process can really give you a headache. For anyone who has been told they are going for pupil dilation, bring very dark sunglasses to wear afterwards. Also, if you're all...
Minor body changes: There may be changes in your eyes and skin due to the side effects of the drug you are using. It could be bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, an unusual puffiness in the skin, or flushed skin. The constant presence of equipment for substance use: When there are always ...
Eyes:Watchful, open with pupils dilated Ears:Flicked back and forth, or upward and alert Tail:Stiff, or twitching back and forth like a whip Fearful or Aggressive Posture:Back arched, fur standing on end, or sitting in a crouched position ...
As mentioned, the narrowing of the pupils allows the cat to focus on something. When taken in the context of aggression, this means the feline has its “eyes” on its opponent. It is forever vigilant of the next move its enemy might take. When you combine these two – pupillary constric...
Have dilated pupils Be confused if awakened Have no or little memory of the event the next morning Following a nightmare, your child is likely to: Wake up fully Cry out for you Acknowledge your presence Be responsive to physical reassurance Be consoled verbally Calm down within a few minutes...
What hormone is involved when you have an elevated heart rate and dilated pupils? What stimulates ANP secretion from atrial cells of the heart? What are the effects of excess adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine)? Where does the heart receive its stimulants to beat from?