Brown, Rick (2000b) "What Must One Believe about Jesus for Salvation?" International Journal of Frontier Missions 17(4): 13-21See Rick Brown, 2000, "What Must One Believe about Jesus for Salvation?" International Journal of Frontier Missions, 17(4):13-21....
God is considered the creator in Abrahamic religions. These religions include Christianity, Islam and Judaism. A major difference and conflict among religions, specifically Christianity and Islam and Judaism is that Christianity accepts Jesus Christ as the messiah, while the other religions do not....
“good tidings” about the Savior to share with the world. We proclaim with all Christians that the same Jesus who was born in a manger also died on a cross and rose from the dead to be our Savior. And we add to that message the additional good news that Jesus Christ is the ...
That the prime agency for the work of God’s kingdom is the Christian local church functioning under the sovereignty of our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill the Great Commission of preaching the Gospel to make and baptize disciples of all nations. The church has been entrusted with the ordinances...
(some of them very hard) to obey it. None of them ever quite succeeded. Secondly, He sent the human race what I call good dreams: I mean those queer stories scattered all through the heathen religions about a god who dies and comes to life again and, by his death, has somehow given...
different planes.2.词数:70词左右Choo the hest topie from A to F ocoonling to the meaning of the possageDear Editors.A.People to take part in Nestuatch.B.Nestwatch is impurtant.C.Ways of using the informationD.Things involved(包括)in Nestuateh.E.Aim to put the information together....
The fasting ends with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. Muslim communities often organize large feasts for breaking the fast that are known as “Iftaar” (literally, “breakfast”) at which people from all religions are welcomed. I’ve often attended Iftaar feasts in India. ...
And lastly,think about what we can learn from our mistakes.What caused us to make the mistake?How can we avoid(避免)making the same mistake in the future?When we act with a method(方法)to get a good result,do it that way next time.If we don't,we should stop,think about it,...
“Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand”he is speaking of the oneness of God from the sense that there is no other who supervises the Lord God Almighty. We note how the world religions speak opposite to this with their pantheon of gods. What Isaiah is saying he...
Yet, immortality through Jesus (Yeshua) alone is what the Jewish Apostle Paul preached:He (Jesus), has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. (2 Timothy 1:9b-10)Paul clearly links immortality to the gospel. Paul did not believe the Greek philosophy...