What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?: Directed by Blake Edwards. With James Coburn, Dick Shawn, Sergio Fantoni, Giovanna Ralli. In World War II, a strategic Italian village agrees to surrender to the Allies only if it's allowed to organize a celebratory fe
DidYouDotheWarDaddyinEdwardscashMEMOIR Not Me: Memoirs of a German Childhood By Joachim Fest trs Martin Chalmers Atlantic Pounds 20doi:10.1006/jsvi.1997.1214Kirby, ASaluPressKirby, A. 1994. What did you do in the war, daddy? In Geography and empire, ed. N. Smith and A. God- lewska, ...
Fred Johanson - In the Arms of Love, from ‘What Did You Do In the War, Daddy? Lyrics. If I could hold you in the arms of love tonight I'd never let you go As the hours go by I'd show you why we waited for this As two lovers wh
What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? - The Music (Soundtrack) 来自:henry mancini & his orchestra 二次世界大战期间,美军不费吹灰之力就攻占了西西里岛一个小镇,不料一夜狂欢之后德军反扑,美军反成为阶下囚。而此时美军上级已获报胜利,欲亲赴小镇一尝胜利滋味。被囚的美军只好以妙计逃亡,在长官面前表演一场...
原名:What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? 片长:116 分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 编剧:威廉·皮特·布拉蒂 导演:布莱克·爱德华兹 上映日期:1966-08-31 又名:乌龙将军少爷兵, 战地飞龙, 异想天开大逃亡 imdb编号:tt0061176 类型:喜剧, 战争 简体中文名:异想天开大逃亡 ...
发行1966年 期限119分钟。 国家 美国 导演 布莱克爱德华兹 脚本 威廉彼得Blatty 音乐 亨利曼奇尼 摄影 菲利普H 莱斯罗普 演员 詹姆斯科伯恩 , 阿尔多雷 , 迪克肖恩 , 塞尔吉奥Fantoni , 哈里摩根 , 出品 美国艺术家 性别 喜剧 | 战争 概要 第二次世界大战期间,一营的美国士兵抵达意大利的一个小村庄,在那里他们非...
Andy Williams - In the Arms of Love (From the United Artists Film "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?") 专辑: 16 Biggest Hits 歌手:Andy Williams In the Arms of Love (From the United Artists Film "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?") - Andy Williams (安迪·威廉斯) If I ...
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在Apple Music 上收听亨利・曼西尼的《What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? (Music From the Film Score)》。1966年。14 首歌曲。时长:33 分钟
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