Well, there I might live, I said; and there I did live, for an hour, a summer and a winter life; saw how I could let the yearsrun off(流逝),buffet (与...搏斗)the winter through, and see the spring come in. 这一段话很美。 不过我哪都能住,我可以在那住下;我就在那过一小时夏...
夜猫子也是很苦,天生的啊,改不了。书名是Walden and Other Writings, by Henry David Thoreau, Bantam Classic, 20041...for a man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone(175).衡量一个人的财富是看他能够放弃些什么。2. But I would say to my fellows, ...
WhereILived,andWhatILivefor ---ByHenryThoreau Abouttheauthor HenryDavidThoreau(July12,1817–May6,1862)wasanAmericanauthor,poet,philosopher,abolitionist,naturalist,taxresister,developmentcritic,surveyor,historian,andaleadingtranscendentalist.ThoreauisbestknownforhisbookWalden.AboutWalden Waldenisareflectionuponsimple...
Henry David Thoreau Walden – What I Lived for Home Ifthisdoesnotworkmuteyourcomputer.HenryDavidThoreau Walden ClickhereforaspecialGameQuiz •AmericanTranscendentalwriter.•BorninConcord,Massachusettsin1817.•MotherknewEmerson’swife’ssisterwhichled ThoreautoknowEmerson.•StudiedinHarvard.(1833–1837)...
whereilivedandwhatfor 系统标签: livedthoreau治理支公司doesparagraph WhereILivedandWhatILivedFor l.WhatdoesThoreautakeintoconsiderationwhenheislookingforahouse? Lookupthevariousmeaningsoftheword“seat”,howdoesThoreauseemtobeusingthe word? HowdoyouthinkthatThoreauwasabletoliveinsomanyplacesforanhour,asummer...
1.Where indeed did Thoreau live, both at a physical level and at a spiritual level? He lived in a cabin on Walden Pond, which belonged to Emerson’s property. 2.Had Thoreau ever bought a farm? Why did he enjoy the act of buying? No, he hadn’t. He avoided purchasing a farm becau...
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear...
What are the sleepers in Walden by Thoreau? What did Thoreau learn from his experience at Walden Pond? In Walden, what advice does Henry David Thoreau offer those who live in poverty? How does Thoreau critique slavery in Walden? How does Thoreau first describe his house in Walden?
WALDEN WhereILived,andWhatILivedFor HenryDavidThoreau 虔诚的 EverymorningIgotupearlyandbathedinthepond;thatwasareligiousexercise,andoneof 感染 thebestthingswhichIdid.Morningbringsbacktheheroicages.Iwasasmuchaffectedby 微弱的嗡嗡声蚊子/məˈskito/无形的难以想象的游历 thefainthumofamosquitomakingitsinv...
1、Unit 14 Text II Where I Lived, and What I Live for -By Henry ThoreauHenry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian,and a leading transcendentalist.About the author...